Yellow Stainer

Agaricus xanthodermus

11th November 2019, Petts Wood and Hawkwood
Growing in deciduous wood through leaf litter. Several scattered around. Cap 9-14cm, stem 10-14cm. No smell. Foolishly I didn't cut the stem. If it turns yellow at the base then it's a Yellow Stainer, although I have before found old ones that didn't go yellow. ID is very likely. Sporeprint Dark chocolate brown. Spores 4.5-6.5µ x 3.5-5µ.

20th November 2014, Ladywell Fields
Growing in grass. several in a cluster. Cap 8-12cm. Faintly unpleasant smell. Flesh not showing any sign of turning yellow, I assume because these were very old specimens. Think these are Yellow Stainers because they are on the site of younger ones from a week or two earlier. ID is almost sure. Sporeprint dark brown perhaps a bit purpley. Spores 4.5-6µ x 3-5.5µ.

23rd October 2014, Ladywell Fields
Growing in grass. Several troops. Cap up to 4cm but looks immature. Unpleasant smell. Flesh bruising yellow especially at cap edges. Lots of small flies were attracted. Sporeprint dark brown. Spores 4-5.5µ x 3-5µ.

6th October 2013, Ladywell Fields
Smell a bit unpleasant. I’m assuming that they’re yellow stainers due to the strong yellow colour in the stem base although there are a few other Agricus mushrooms with that feature. ID is very likely.

4th October 2013, Woods and Fields in Cobham Park
Cap up to 12cm. Smell not strong, not mushroomy, slightly unpleasant. ID is almost sure.
